Kaylee Weatherspoon

Kaylee in front of a colorful background at MIT

Hello! I am a first-year math Ph.D. student at Rutgers University. Before that, I was an undergrad at the University of South Carolina, where my advisor was Professor Joshua Cooper. Last summer, I participated in the Women and Mathematics summer school at the Institute for Advanced Study and the Discrete and Convex Geometry summer school at the Erdős Center in Budapest.

In summer of 2022, I did research in discrete geometry in the SUMRY NSF-REU at Yale University. During the preceding spring semester, I studied in the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. While there, I did research in rigidity theory with a phenomenal team of other undergrads (Henry Simmons, Zeyu Zheng) under Professor Tibor Jordán. Inquiries relateds to any of these pursuits are welcome!

Here is my Portfolio for Graduation with Leadership Distinction in Research at UofSC.
Here is my CV.
Here is a visual summary of my CV: Paris


  1. Yale SUMRY NSF-REU: Variants of Heilbronn's Triangle Problem
  2. Budapest Semesters in Mathematics: Rigidity Properties of 4-Regular Graphs (submitted to Discrete Mathematics)
  3. Auburn NSF-REU in Discrete Math: (1) A Generalization of Szlam's Lemma (published in Geombinatorics), (2) On the Epsilon Chromatic Number of the Plane, (3) On the Hoffman metric for Graphs
  4. University of South Carolina: Finite, Separable, Edge-Maximal Unit Distance Graphs
Here is a rather abbreviated list of problems I'm interested in, some of which (to my knowledge) are my own.


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